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Super Ace

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Super Ace


  1. “The Combo Multiplier” has 4 levels as x1, x2, x3, x5 in Super Ace normal game.
  2. All wins and pays are multiplied by the “Combo Multiplier”
  3. The “Combo Multiplier” is start from x1 for first elimination of wins and pays
  4. The “Combo Multiplier” is increased to x2 after elimination of any wins and pays from multiplier level as x1.
  5. The “Combo Multiplier” is increased to x3 after elimination of any wins and pays from multiplier level as x2.
  6. The “Combo Multiplier” is increased to x5 after elimination of any wins and pays from multiplier level as x3.
  7. The “Combo Multiplier” resets to x1 by no wins and pays of for starts the next spin.


Super Ace-Game Rules

Game Rules:

  1. Lucky Poker is a video slot with 5 reels, 4 rows and 1024 ways in Super Ace.
  2. All wins pay with left most reel to right on adjacent reels.
  3. During the game, all winning symbol(s) will “flip” again. After the “flip” will appear new symbol(s) replaced the previous winning symbol(s) and re-evalaute for more wins. If there is no winning symbols after the re-evaluated, the current game winning amount will be awarded to player.
  4. Winnings = Pay x Lines x Bet.
  5. Malfunction voids pays and plays

Super Ace -Joker Card

Joker Card

  1. The “Joker Symbol” only transform from “Golden Symbol” of elimination in Super Ace.
  2. The “Joker Card” comes in two modes: “Big Joker Card” and “Little Joker Card”.
  3. Landing the “Big Joker Symbol”, it will replace 1 to 4 number of symbols (Except the Scatter and Joker Symbol) randomly pick on reel 2 to 5 by “Big Joker Symbol”.
  4. Landing the “Little Joker Symbol”, The “Golden Symbol” transform to “Joker Symbol” only.
  5. “Joker Symbol” substitutes for alls symbols except Scatter.
  6. “Joker Symbol” substitutes for alls symbols except Scatter.
Super Ace - Golden Card

Golden Card

  1. “Golden Card” will only appear at reels 2, 3, and 4.
  2. “Golden Symbol” will flip and transform to “Joker Symbol” after elimination.
  3. “Golden Symbol” substitutes for the “Normal symbol” pays and eliminates.
Super Ace - Free Game – Collect Airplanes

Free Game – Collect Airplanes

  1. Landing 3 or more “img” will trigger the Free Game with 10 free spins.
  2. “The Combo Multiplier” has 4 levels as x2, x4, x6, x10 in Free Game.
  3. Rule of Free Game are same as the normal game, only difference in the “Combo Multiplier” level.
  4. Landing 3 “img” in the Free Game will trigger addition 5 free spin which is available to stack.


Super Ace - Paylines

Player reviews

Dive deep into the mesmerizing world of Super Ace, a game that merges classic slot themes with innovative gameplay mechanics. At the heart of this captivating slot is the “Combo Multiplier,” seamlessly transitioning between four levels – x1, x2, x3, and x5 in the regular game. It amplifies the excitement, as with every elimination, the potential rewards grow, urging players to chase that elusive x5 multiplier.

The design of Super Ace, with its 5 reels and 1024 ways to win, guarantees an engaging experience. Its unique “flip” feature means that winning symbols transform, presenting new chances for consecutive wins. Every spin feels like a fresh start, especially when the multiplier resets, promising renewed opportunities.

The game’s special symbols, like the Joker and Golden Cards, add layers of strategy and surprise. The transformation of the “Golden Symbol” into a “Joker” is particularly thrilling, especially with its diverse modes of “Big Joker Card” and “Little Joker Card.” These jokers don’t just stand in for other symbols – they redefine the game with their unpredictable actions.

Free spins are always a player favorite, and Super Ace doesn’t disappoint. Landing just three symbols can unlock 10 free spins, with an even more attractive Combo Multiplier ranging from x2 to x10. Plus, the potential for additional free spins keeps players on the edge of their seats.

In essence, Super Ace offers a vibrant and dynamic slot experience, blending traditional elements with fresh twists. Whether you’re chasing the thrill of high multipliers or the joy of unexpected jokers, Super Ace promises and delivers. Don’t miss out on this enthralling slot adventure!

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